
Green Tea Detox Drink | The 10 Minute Healthy Beverage

5 min read

The healthiest Green Tea Detox Drink is a popular beverage because it is easy to make without any major modifications.

This is a simple recipe for Green Tea Detox Water, and it’s really good for your health. Drinking this water can make you feel refreshed, and you can have it either hot or cold.

Green tea is a kind of tea that’s really good for you. When you make Green Tea Detox Water, you’re using green tea to make a special drink. This drink is great because it can help your body in many ways.

One of the best things about this Green Tea Detox Water is that it’s easy to make. You don’t need to be a chef to do it. All you need is some green tea, water, and maybe some extras like lemon or mint to make it taste even better.

When you drink this special water, it can do good things for your body. It can help your body get rid of bad stuff and toxins. It can also make you feel more awake and alert. Plus, it can give you a boost of energy.

The great thing about this Green Tea Detox drink recipe is that you can have it however you like. If you like hot drinks, you can make it hot. If you prefer cold drinks, you can make it cold. It’s up to you! So, whether you want to enjoy a warm cup of goodness or a cold and refreshing treat, this Green Tea Detox has got you covered.

Green Tea Detox Drink recipe is a must recommended beverage for overall well-being. As it contains antioxidants, minerals, and nutrients. It is not only enjoyed as a refreshing beverage but also as a healthy drink to help flush out toxins, boost energy levels, and promote better health. 

Cinnamon, Ginger, Lemon, Honey, and Green Tea all these ingredients have many useful benefits in the Green Tea Detox Water.

Green Tea Detox increases metabolism which helps in the weight loss process. Moreover, it keeps you hydrated as it is essential to filter waste out of your system. Also, it has powerful compounds that protect against chronic diseases, boost your immune system, and helps lower the blood sugar level as well.

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C. It also helps to restore and maintain the PH levels. In addition, it holds pectin, which is a soluble fiber helping in weight loss.

Ginger has medicinal values and it is a tummy soother. It is great for stomach aches and bloating.

Cinnamon is a healthy spice. Furthermore, it increases insulin levels and regulates blood sugar. As well as, it keeps you full for a longer period of time.

Honey is a better substitute for sugar or other sweeteners. You can also add dark brown jaggery instead of honey to make it a little sweet to enhance the taste. These two ingredients are best for diabetic patients in place of sugar. As a matter of fact, dark brown jaggery has a more nutrition value, a lot of elemental iron, and also vitamin C.

Video of Green Tea Detox Drink Recipe:

Green Tea Detox Drink | Healthy Beverage

The most recommended beverage green tea has numerous health benefits. Ingredients like cinnamon, ginger, lemon, and honey add auxiliary comfort to the recipe.
This amazing drink helps you to stay fit, and have immense health benefits for a longer time.
Prep Time10 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Course: Beverage
Cuisine: Indian
Keyword: Detox drink, Drink, Green Tea Recipe, healthy, immunity booster drink, Mug Recipes, Quick recipe, simple, Weight loss drink
Servings: 1 Person
Author: Memoir Mug


  • Microwave-safe Bowl
  • Mug
  • Microwave
  • Strainer
  • Squeezer
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons
  • Spoon


  • 2-3 Cinnamon Sticks
  • 1 inch Ginger
  • 1 Green Tea Bag
  • ½ Lemon Fresh
  • ½ tbsp Honey
  • 1 cup Water


Method to make green tea detox drink:

  • Take a microwave-safe bowl. Add 1 cup of water in the bowl. Afterward, add 2-3 cinnamon sticks and grate 1-inch ginger in it.
  • Microwave it for about 1-2 minutes. Transfer the cinnamon ginger water in the mug using a strainer.
  • Now, infuse the green tea bag in it. Dip it for some time so the water absorbs the flavor of the green tea.
  • Then squeeze half a lemon in it and add ½ tbsp of honey. Stir it well. Your healthy green tea detox drink is ready to swill it.


In today’s fast-paced life, many people consume a lot of fast food and unhealthy food. It’s really important to detoxify your body, and this is where Green Tea Detox Drink Recipe can help. Even if you already live a healthy life, detoxifying can make your immune system stronger. You must try this Green Tea Detox Recipe once.

Drink this Green Tea Detox twice or thrice on a daily basis to burn the belly fat quickly. You can drink this tea early in the morning or even at any time of the day. 

The Green Tea Detox Drink Recipe is amazing because you can adjust the taste and ingredients as per your liking. Also, you need to have the patience for some weeks or months to know the best result of this drink. 

So, replace your inflate drinks with this flavorful drink to stay healthy and slim your waistline. A first step in the direction of nourishing life.

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