
How to Preserve Amla | Gooseberry | Golden Amla I Indian Delight

2 min read

Get ready to spice up your kitchen adventures with our Golden Amla! 🌟 Discover the simple joy of making this flavorful treat at home using turmeric and salt – a perfect way to preserve amla with a burst of deliciousness that can jazz up your snacks, or be the perfect sidekick to your meals.

Salt and Turmeric Preserved Amla Recipe


  • Fresh amla (gooseberries)
  • Salt
  • Turmeric powder
  • Water


  1. Select and Clean Amla:
    • Choose fresh and firm amla without any signs of spoilage.
    • Wash the amla thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or impurities.
  2. Prepare Amla:
    • Make slits in each amla to help the flavors penetrate during the preservation process.
    • Keep them aside.
  3. Pack Amla in a Jar:
    • Take a clean, dry glass jar with an airtight lid.
    • Place the amla into the jar.
  4. Add Salt, Turmeric, & Water:
    • Add salt and turmeric to the jar.
    • Fill the jar with water.
  5. Seal the Jar:
    • Ensure that the amla is fully submerged in the water.
    • Seal the jar tightly with the airtight lid.
  6. Shake the Jar:
    • Shake the jar gently to evenly distribute the salt and turmeric.
  7. Wait for a few days:
    • Shake the jar gently every day for the first few days to evenly distribute the salt and turmeric.
    • Keep the jar aside for 2-4. 
    • After 2-4 days, change the water in the jar. Add salt and turmeric again. Seal the jar and shake it gently.
  8. Repeat the Process:
    • Keep doing this process every 2-4 days. 
    • After 7-10 days the amla is ready to consume.
    • Once, the amla is done, keep them in water with salt and turmeric. Also, keep changing the water every 2-4 days to avoid fungus.
    • The longer the amla sits, the more flavorful it becomes.
  9. Serve and Enjoy:
    • Once the amla are ready, you can enjoy them as a condiment or snack.

Note: Make sure to use clean and dry utensils while handling the amla to prevent spoilage. Also, always use clean, dry hands when removing amla from the jar to avoid introducing moisture. Properly preserved amla can last for a longer time.

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